Massage Therapy

Massage therapy treats specific health conditions, and the body as a whole. A variety of techniques and modalities may be used to achieve desired effects, according to your specific treatment goals, and the specific skillset of your massage therapist. Massage therapy has been found to be beneficial to support stress reduction, having direct and indirect effects on all the systems of the body. An increasing number of clinical research studies show massage reduces heart rate, lowers blood pressure, increases blood circulation and lymph flow, relaxes muscles, improves range of motion and increases endorphins.

During their extensive training, massage therapists study anatomy, physiology, pathology, neurology, pharmacology, thermal applications, and more. Your RMT will have knowledge of how to provide a safe treatment if you have a disability, an injury or illness, or are taking medications. There has been a wide variety of research, published in peer reviewed journals, demonstrating the benefits of massage therapy for various conditions. Massage therapy should also be considered an important part of a preventive care and rehabilitative program. Massage therapy is beneficial not just for injury, but also for wellness.


Physiotherapists work with clients of all ages and with a wide range of injuries & health conditions. Whether it’s pain management and rehabilitation from an acute injury like a sprained ankle or low back injury, and/or management of chronic conditions such as chronic regional pain syndrome, physiotherapy can help.

A physiotherapist will assess using detailed history-taking as well as specific physical tests and measures, such as flexibility or range of motion. He or she will then analyze the assessment findings and use clinical reasoning to establish a diagnosis. Together, you will explore your current abilities and functional needs so the physiotherapist can plan treatments that are consistent with your goals and general health status, and which incorporate approaches and techniques supported by the best evidence available.

Physiotherapy treatments can include the following: -Personalized exercise programs designed to improve your strength, range of motion, and function. -Joint mobilization and manipulation to reduce pain and stiffness, as well as soft tissue work. -Hot and cold packs and various therapeutic modalities to relieve pain, reduce swelling, speed up the healing process, improve movement and function. -Shockwave Therapy & Acupuncture. -Pre-natal care, pelvic floor exercise & training. -Athletic therapy, athletic taping. -Functional activity and tolerance testing and training. -Work and occupational re-training and return to work planning. -Prescription, fabrication and application of assistive, adaptive, supportive and protective devices and equipment. -Environmental changes, focusing on removing barriers to function.

We are a WCB-approved clinic with Worker’s Compensation of Nova Scotia, and also assess/treat MVA injuries as well and work directly with MVA insurers for your convenience.

Health insurance providers cover all cost or a portion of the cost of Physiotherapy. Some extended health insurance plans may require a physician’s referral in order to reimburse you for physiotherapist service, but it’s not always necessary. Call your health insurance provider to confirm your level of coverage beforehand and to determine whether or not you require a physician referral for reimbursement.

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Amanda Monk

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Ashley Bellefontaine

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David "Doug" Richards

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Shauna Taylor

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Kinesiologists apply exercise and movement science to promote health and well-being; prevent, manage, and rehabilitate injuries; treat illness and chronic disease; restore function; and optimize human performance in the workplace, clinical settings, sport, and fitness.

Kinesiologists are the only human movement specialists who use science and research to offer movement as medicine, to any person with a health or fitness goal who wants a hands-on, personalized approach.

Kinesiologists work with people of all ages and physical abilities, in many settings, to help them achieve their health and wellness goals. Kinesiologists improve quality of life, often using interventions that include physical activity.